Product vs Value
When you purchase language services from me, you’re not buying a cookie-cutter experience or a one-size-fits-all product, but the value and benefits that come with a comprehensive, customized professional service. However, I acknowledge trust comes at a price – and this is where my discounts come into play!
CAT-Tool Discounts
I am pleased to apply a discount grid to projects that require the use of a CAT tool with relevant translation memories and termbases.*
CAT-Tool Discounts are designed to build trust and foster collaboration. Words become weighted words with time, so the more words I translate for you the more likely it is for new texts to contain repeated wording or recurring sentences matching older projects. This means that you can leverage your own texts over time to lower full-price rates and cut on costs, while still ensuring high-quality language services!
You don’t want to miss this deal, so request your custom quote today!
* Discounts may not apply to proprietary software that rules out the use of a CAT tool.